Rest – because at this point in my life rest is something I never feel like I get enough of, or when I do purposefully sleep in a little longer, I feel guilty about it. There is always something else I should be doing, whether it is cleaning or exercising, I should be working instead of resting. At the same time, at this point in my life, I am enjoying rest more than ever when I do get it. Most of all, rest is one of my twenty for twenty because, at this point in my life, I desperately need rest – both physically and spiritually.
If I am worried, fearful, or trying to solve all my problems myself, there is no way I am fully trusting God and resting in Him. I often find myself striving to find a solution to the issues in my life, even though I know better. I try to figure out how I can fix a family relationship issue – that may not even involve me. I stress over what we will do if we have some unexpected major expense, such as a medical issue. I worry about the safety of the people I love. I know I have no control over any of this yet I try to manipulate the outcome, mostly out of fear, and this usually makes a mess of things. The stress and continual exhaustion from trying to figure everything out leaves me depleted. Unexpected things happen in life, and we are sometimes blindsided no matter how much we prepare. Unless we rest in His promises, we will live a life of worry and stress.
None of my striving changes or fixes anything. A lack of patience will cause a lack of trust in God, which causes a separation from God. Rushing the process or fixing things in my own way and in my own understanding means I am not trusting God and waiting for His very best plan for me to unfold. It only wears me out, leaving me feeling defeated and hopeless.
And without a doubt, the quickest fix is usually not the best fix.
Jesus is our mediator. He is the go-between for God and man: For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus… He intercedes on our behalf to our Heavenly Father. I have learned that if I will trust Jesus to be the mediator for me in all areas of my life, everything works out so much better. Between all disagreements – let Him mediate. Let Him work things our between them instead of getting involved. In other areas of life – let Him mediate or intercede. Turning it all over to Him is the only way I can find peace and rest.
Only true rest in Him will bring peace. To find rest in Him, we have to be willing to lay aside worry, give up fear, and let Him be in control of it all. When we try to rest in people, even the most trustworthy, they will fail us. When we try to fix everything in our own power, we will fail.
Our God never fails us and His power is perfect.
We can fully rest in His sufficiency.
We can give everything to Him and let it go. Rest is the opposite of striving. Lay it down and trust His perfect sufficiency and rest in Him.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
2 Corinthians 12:9
Lara Cook