Trust What You Know, Not What You Feel…
For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you. Isaiah54:10
Today it is overcast. Some days I like the overcast sky but this has been a hard couple of weeks and honestly, my insides are in a knot. The overcast sky matches my overcast mood and feelings. Have you ever had one of those days – the kind of day where everything you know goes out the window because everything you feel is sinking you fast?
For the days when we get twisted up inside and it literally feels like everything that can come apart is coming apart, we have to remember what we know. What is it that we can always know, no matter what is happening in our lives? No matter how uncertain tomorrow looks or how unstable the ground beneath your feet feels, God has promised that He will always love us with His steadfast love and we can find peace in Him in the middle of the worst messes. In the middle of everything, He never leaves us or stops loving us. Even when we feel so alone, so shaken, so insecure, and so out of control, He is in control and with us every step of the way.
In the hard places…
The Days that Never Seem to End…
Stress that overwhelms…
Waiting on God to Move…
The Answer that Never Comes…
We can rest assured that we have a Heavenly Father that loves us, even when nothing else in our world feels right. We can find peace in Him in the darkest moments of our lives.
If you are experiencing some overcast moods and feelings, go to Him and find never-ending, steadfast, love and peace. These are the times we trust what we know and not what we feel. Satan loves for our feelings to wipe out our determination to stay focused on Him and what we know to be true about Him always, no matter the circumstance. He never changes. He never turns away from us. He never even closes His eyes to sleep. He is always watching over us. He always knows what we are going through. He always stays right by our side providing the support and peace to help us walk through the mud of life.
Our feelings can be irrational and, in pressing times, we cannot find rational hope without the hope of Jesus Christ. He is our hope beyond the moment we are in. We can trust Him to be in control of our storms and to calm our raging seas. We can trust Him to work all the chaos and disorder out for His very best in our lives because that is all He ever wants for us. He is always right. Always true. Always trustworthy.
Our Heavenly Father knows that we can best navigate this life by taking one step of faith at a time, trusting Him all the way.
We cannot see what lies ahead, or the purpose for our pain and suffering, but He can. We can trust Him with our future, our hopes, our dreams, our loved ones, our uncertainties, and most of all, we can trust Him with our hearts.
By Lara Cook