
Soul Sisters

Anyone can have a biological sister who shares the same gene pool.  But what women are really searching for is a Soul Sister.  A soul sister is that special someone we can share our deepest thoughts with.  It is the person we can be real with and air our frustrations with.  It is someone we can cry and laugh with. 

When I was a little girl, I always wanted a sister.  I wanted to have that unique bond and share special secrets in the middle of the night when we were supposed to be sound asleep.  I wanted someone to teach me how to put on my makeup, curl my hair and tell me how to deal with boys.  As a mother of two girls, when I saw the light shining underneath my daughter’s bedroom door late at night and I heard them whisper and giggle, it warmed my heart.  I wanted this relationship for them – and they seldom got in trouble for staying up late talking and giggling. I hope they will stay close forever, always having a special relationship with a special person who knows them better than anyone else.  Someone who truly understands them. 

As women, we have many beautiful gifts from God – that He only gave to women.  Our relationships with other women, bound together in Christ, is one of those gifts.  Through these special friendships, we can lift one another up, support each other in hard times and celebrate together in good times. 

Together, as Sisters in Christ, we can get the message of God’s great love and grace out to women everywhere, from every walk of life, so that all can know that we are not alone, that there are other women who understand and will come alongside us on our journey. 

Mary and Martha were sisters and close friends with Jesus.  They were opposite in nature, as sisters often are.  Mary was the quiet contemplative one who sat at Jesus’ feet while He talked, and Martha was the worker bee who worked hard to prepare the meal and clean the house.  Martha felt the urgency to make sure everything was ready while Mary wanted to sit at Jesus’ feet and soak up every word.  Both of these things were important and both of them are what made Jesus feel at home with these two sisters.  Despite their differences in opinions and personality, they were bound by their love for Christ, as we are with our Soul Sisters.  They grieved His death together, knelt at the tomb with other soul sisters, and they were the first to know of His resurrection.  What a special message about how God views women and our influence.  He gave them the very privileged honor of proclaiming to the rest of His followers that He had risen, just as He had said He would.

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near. 
Hebrews 10:24-25

By Lara Cook

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